Sunday, March 17, 2013

Jasmine Blu did this tag on her YouTube so I decided to do it on my blog! c: Thank you for reading.

Name: Emily
Nicknames: Emma, Em
Birthday: April 24 1994
Place of Birth: New Jersey
Star Sign: Taurus
Occupation: Cashier at CVS

Hair colour: Brown
Hair length: Short. It's just a little below my shoulders.
Eye colour: Green
Best feature: I do like my eyes
Braces: Never had them
Piercings: Pierced my ears once but tried to change them too early so I don't have them anymore :c
Tattoos: None but I want one!
Righty of Lefty: Lefty!

Best friend: My old neighbor Brianna
Award: I got these awards in Sunday School, I can't remember what it's called!
Sport: T-Ball
Real Holiday: Fourth of July I guess? If I was born in April... 
Concert: Lifehouse

Film: The Secret Life of Bees, Phoebe in Wonderland, The Virgin Suicides...
TV Show: Spongebob
Colour: Purple
Song: Don't have one
Restaurant: TGI Fridays
Store: Forever21 
Book: Stargirl
Magazine: I don't really read any. Seventeen?
Shoes: My combat boots

Feeling: Sleepy
Single or Taken: In a relationship. I think the word "taken" sounds silly 
Eating: Nothing but I just had an apple with peanut butter :3
Listening to: Someone doing the dishes
Thinking about: How I don't want to work closing tonight :c
Watching: Nothing
Wearing: Jammies

Want Children: Absolutely, it's my top dream
Want to be married: Yes!
Careers in mind: Neonatal nurse, photographer
Where do you want to live: Wherever I'm happy

Do you believe in:
God: No
Miracles: Yes 
Love at first sight: No 
Ghosts: Yes
Aliens:  Yes
Soul Mates: Yes 
Heaven: Yes
Hell: Maybe
Kissing on the first date?: Of course! My boyfriend and I kissed before our first date hehe 
Yourself: Yes


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