Monday, February 25, 2013

The Beautiful Benefits of Honey!

I was never a big honey fan. I thought it tasted funny and never saw much of a use for it. However, my boyfriend is really big on natural products and nature and got me into it so now I use honey on lots of things I eat! Honey is one of the best natural and healthy sweeteners there is, and it's good for you in so many ways! Here are a few:

  • Honey can help prevent heart disease and cancers due to the high amounts of phenolic compounds
  • It's a natural sugar that's good for you! There's no need for granulated.
  • It makes your skin look really nice because it's really good at helping create new skin tissue! If your honey's not pasteurized it also has some pollen in it which is also good for the skin.
  • It helps improve blood circulation and blood pressure
  • It can cure sore throats quickly!
  • It never expires!
  • It's best friends with your immune system
  • It contains natural carbs that can give you energy for your day
  • It tastes great!
  • Honey has tons of vitamins that granulated sugar doesn't, so when you entirely replace it with honey you can even lose weight

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Cutest Kitty Buys

There are two things I love (along with most of the internet): shopping and cats! Here are some super cute things I found by searching "cat" on Wanelo. 

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bowkuma Order! ♥

I just received my second Bowkuma order so I figured I'd post pictures of it! 
It was the $20 Grab bag (because I just love surprises so much!) and my second time receiving it. I loved it so much I figured I'd get it again!

This was everything I have gotten laid out all nicely.

What was inside the little box ~

Strawberry adjustable ring - I love this because there isn't one exactly like it on their store! It really shows how the items are handmade and all unique just for you! 

Hamburger iPhone Jack - I was super happy when I saw this because I actually thought about getting this!

Cute pink and white sweets bow - Can't find it on the store

Cappuccino and Mouse Bow - Comes with earrings but I asked for my grab bag to not have any because my ears aren't pierced

Pink Cake Bow - Usually comes with two but not in a grab bag

I loved everything in my bag, but the only thing I realized after I got it was that since I got a random bag before I may receive things I got last time! This did happen (one was exactly the same and one was close to it) That's okay though, I just gave the duplicate to my sister c: Just make sure you keep that in mind if you order multiple grab bags at separate times!

Bowkuma always includes free goodies in the order! This time I received 3 little cute stationary papers, a piece of candy and 4 small stickers that aren't shown because I posted them on my laptop :3

I love what I've gotten from Bowkuma and highly recommend their shop! Everything it very nice, made with love and cuteness and is made to last a long time. Please check them out!

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Have a nice day!