Saturday, March 30, 2013

Graze is a super fun website that'll send you four healthy snacks every week for $5 a box. They're so yummy, and such a good idea! Here are a few of my favorites, and not so favorites!


Scrumptious Blueberry Swirl
I LOVE this! Blueberry yogurt raisins, raspberry infused cranberries and blackcurrants. All soooo yummy!

Eton Mess
I love the almond slices and mini meringues! It also has blackcurrants and cranberries. Mmm.

Jaffa Cake
Who doesn't love dark chocolate? And it's good for you! Also has orange infused raisins (so yummy) and roasted hazels.


Cheddar Gorge
Cheese cashews, baked herb bites and salsa corn sticks. I was reluctant to try it but after I did it went fast!

Pear Tatin
This one surprised me with how good it was! It contains pear, raspberry infused cranberries, yogurt coated sunflower seeds (SO yummy) and almonds. I was weary about the pear because I didn't like Graze's dried apples. But it was great. Yum!

Love Mix
A mix of apricots, goji berries and cherries! I LOVE cherries but the goji berries aren't so great to me.

Not For Me

Fruit and Seed Flapjack
Rustic rolled oat flapjack with mixed seeds and dried fruits. This was yummy, but I'm not much of a flapjack fan. I get sick of it too fast!

Bonnie Wee Oatbakes
Red onion marmalade with cheese and chive oatbakes. Oatbakes are just a little too try for my taste. And the marmalade was tasty, but I didn't like too much of it.

Toffee Apple
I totally thought I would love it but I was wrong! It's exactly as it sounds, A toffee dip with slices of dried granny smith apple slices. I love dried berries, but not so much apples. And the toffee was okay, it made it taste like a candy apple. It was a little too sweet to me!

Join Graze and get your first box free!
Want to join Graze? Use this invitation code and you'll get your first box for free! Woohoo!


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Jasmine Blu did this tag on her YouTube so I decided to do it on my blog! c: Thank you for reading.

Name: Emily
Nicknames: Emma, Em
Birthday: April 24 1994
Place of Birth: New Jersey
Star Sign: Taurus
Occupation: Cashier at CVS

Hair colour: Brown
Hair length: Short. It's just a little below my shoulders.
Eye colour: Green
Best feature: I do like my eyes
Braces: Never had them
Piercings: Pierced my ears once but tried to change them too early so I don't have them anymore :c
Tattoos: None but I want one!
Righty of Lefty: Lefty!

Best friend: My old neighbor Brianna
Award: I got these awards in Sunday School, I can't remember what it's called!
Sport: T-Ball
Real Holiday: Fourth of July I guess? If I was born in April... 
Concert: Lifehouse

Film: The Secret Life of Bees, Phoebe in Wonderland, The Virgin Suicides...
TV Show: Spongebob
Colour: Purple
Song: Don't have one
Restaurant: TGI Fridays
Store: Forever21 
Book: Stargirl
Magazine: I don't really read any. Seventeen?
Shoes: My combat boots

Feeling: Sleepy
Single or Taken: In a relationship. I think the word "taken" sounds silly 
Eating: Nothing but I just had an apple with peanut butter :3
Listening to: Someone doing the dishes
Thinking about: How I don't want to work closing tonight :c
Watching: Nothing
Wearing: Jammies

Want Children: Absolutely, it's my top dream
Want to be married: Yes!
Careers in mind: Neonatal nurse, photographer
Where do you want to live: Wherever I'm happy

Do you believe in:
God: No
Miracles: Yes 
Love at first sight: No 
Ghosts: Yes
Aliens:  Yes
Soul Mates: Yes 
Heaven: Yes
Hell: Maybe
Kissing on the first date?: Of course! My boyfriend and I kissed before our first date hehe 
Yourself: Yes
